Welcome to Employer led labour Market Secretariat!


Board Members

The ELMS board consists of presidents from five implementing employer associations. The board plays a vital role in ELMS projects and acts as a forum for the wider dissemination of demand side data to other LMI initiatives and stakeholders.

The board is also responsible for making macro-level decisions and provides financial support to their respective EA LMI Units for conducting different project related activities. The board is also responsible for approving budgets for their EA LMI Units, study proposal, and other agendas.

Mr. Shekhar Golcha

Mr. Shekhar Golcha

President, FNCCI
Mr. Vishnu Kumar Agarwal

Mr. Vishnu Kumar Agarwal

President, CNI
Mr. Shyam Prasad Giri

Mr. Shyam Prasad Giri

President, FNCSI
Mr. Rabi Singh

Mr. Rabi Singh

President, FCAN
Ms. Shreejana Rana

Ms. Shreejana Rana

President, HAN

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